Storytelling in Job Interview


Storytelling is a powerful technique that enables you to effectively demonstrate your qualities instead of merely mentioning them

Course content:

  • Comprehensive exploration of how this technique enables you to effectively highlight and showcase your unique qualities during job interviews.
  • Practical application with job vacancies: Applying the method to a job vacancy of your choice or identifying a real vacancy that closely aligns with your resume to effectively demonstrate your skills and experiences.
  • Maximizing professional and personal characteristics: Thorough assessment of your professional and personal attributes, along with your experience, to strategically leverage them as strengths to increase your chances of securing the job.
  • Interview training with an assertive approach: Equipping you with an assertive interview method and advanced strategies to enhance your confidence and excel during job interviews.
  • Ongoing English language assessment and improvement: The mentor will provide valuable feedback and targeted guidance to help you enhance specific aspects of your English proficiency throughout the course sessions.

Who would be interested in this course:

  • Those planning to move to the Netherlands OR have just arrived;
  • Essentially, this product is designed to benefit anyone actively seeking employment!
  • Individuals currently engaged in selection processes;
  • Those who are seeking to make a career change.


Course duration: 2 sessions


Individual: €80 / Additional session: €35

Pairs: €42/person / Additional session: €20/person

Groups of 3: €30/person / Additional session: €18/person

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